Meet the Staff Series

My name is Mrs. Gattoni.  I am a first grade teacher here at Willett and have been an educator in the city of Attleboro since 1994. First grade is my favorite!   I live with my husband Mike, 4 children, a sweet beagle named LuLu, and a leopard gecko named Squishy.  Zackery graduated from Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston and works for a graphic design company.  Ethan is currently attending UMASS Amherst for engineering and physics and loves it!   Emma and Ava are twins and are currently attending Attleboro High School, where they play basketball, soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, and enjoy winter and spring track.  When I am not teaching at Willett, or working in the school garden, I love watching my children play sports, learning about art,  hiking new trails, trying new restaurants,  and traveling with my  family. Fun fact: This year is my 30th year of teaching, as well as 30th wedding anniversary.  :)